The moon was very bright this evening, driving home from getting a coffee at Starbucks It stuck out to me,it was very low to the earth and seemed larger then normal to the eye. I drove home as quick as I could to pick up my camera. Then i headed out in the direction towards the moon. To get out of the city and find somewhere dark without any city lights. I stopped at a few different spots but none seem to have what I was looking for. I found myself behind of the Club d'age D'or in Scoudouc in the dark.
I wanted to see the stars and the constellations that form our wonderful universe and that i was able to do. Obviously I do not have a long enough lens to document the stars however, sometimes it's great to photograph with your eyes only. Our photographic memories is a wonderful thing, we should use it more often.
I noticed that there was a very bright star and also a cluster of stars that stuck out. The first thing I did when i got home is look it up on the internet. This is what I found, which I think is very interesting.
"This sky chart shows the eastern sky for around mid-evening at mid-northern latitudes in North America, with the bright waning gibbous moon shining between the FAmous Seven Sisters star cluster and the bulls eye, the constellation Taurus’ brightest star. Mid-northern latitudes elsewhere around the world will see the Pleiades and Aldebaran in the same place in the sky at the same hour of the night."