Saturday, October 15, 2011

Moon and stars

The moon was very bright this evening, driving home from getting a coffee at Starbucks It stuck out to me,it was very low to the earth and seemed larger then normal to the eye. I drove home as quick as I could to pick up my camera. Then i headed out in the direction towards the moon. To get out of the city and find somewhere dark without any city lights. I stopped at a few different spots but none seem to have what I was looking for. I found myself behind of the Club d'age D'or in Scoudouc in the dark.

I wanted to see the stars and the constellations that form our wonderful universe and that i was able to do. Obviously I do not have a long enough lens to document the stars however, sometimes it's great to photograph with your eyes only. Our photographic memories is a wonderful thing, we should use it more often.

I noticed that there was a very bright star and also a cluster of stars that stuck out. The first thing I did when i got home is look it up on the internet. This is what I found, which I think is very interesting.

"This sky chart shows the eastern sky for around mid-evening at mid-northern latitudes in North America, with the bright waning gibbous moon shining between the FAmous Seven Sisters star cluster and the bulls eye, the constellation Taurus’ brightest star. Mid-northern latitudes elsewhere around the world will see the Pleiades and Aldebaran in the same place in the sky at the same hour of the night."


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rusty Treasures

Another great day of photographing with some great friends. I went through a period in my photography career where I didn´t take any photos for myself, just a couple of personal assignments and I soon started to become depressed. I decided that I´d rather forego sleep than skip taking photos for myself so I guess it´s more of a "need" to take pictures than just doing it for fun. It's a bonus when you can do it for yourself and sell them as well. Photographing also brings some sort of calmness to me. It's something that time does not matter any more and you loose yourself in the moment. You start seeing in a total different way. A rock is no longer a rock but a shape with beautiful colors. Rust is my new passion. I have had the privilege to be brought to this special place today.

Here are some of my photos