Sunday, December 9, 2012


The "NUT" finds himself in the nut tree, hoping to find some treats!!! 
Just found a red bird , that he let free
Swinging around in this red cage, 
The new year will turn a new page.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

We had gone out for a friend of mines birthday bash!
The "Nut" came out for a drink or two!!!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

The nut before christmas

I have started a new photo project for the christmas holidays.  I have found myself  a new little nutcracker buddy. I carry him around in my purse and I take him out when I want to share a christmas cheer!!!

Here is Day 1
Waitting in line to go home!!! Getting himself paid!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

What is the Art of Photogaphy?

A photograph is a moment in time which is preserved for eternity.  Capturing a facial expression,an abstract shape, fleeting moment in time, these are all  the fundamentals  of being a great photographer. Photographs conveys emotions, in a way no words can.
I  believe that to be great at something you need to be passionate about it. When passion comes out, nothing but success will follow.
There are many styles of photography as there are photographers out there.  We each pursue the fulfilment that our art offers interpreting the world in different ways.
I have been a professional photographer now for many years and still to this day I am finding myself. I am constantly creating new projects to keep the motivation going. I am always looking for new inspiration and ideas & projects.
In the months ahead I will elaborate on this  and also hope that readers contribute their thoughts and feelings to this section. Let me hear from you.

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years


Some People think that setting new years resolutions are stupid. A complete waste of time and energy. We never seem to live up to them, setting unrealistic goals for the new year in the moment seems to be a great ideas. Often we will work at them for several weeks sometimes even for a few months,however we forget about them and go back to our old ways. I do feel that anything is possible when you try and put your mind into it. With the right amount of work and effort , you can accomplish them. This is my list of things that I will accomplish in 2012 :
I feel that if I have some goals for my photography I will become a better and photographer one day at a time.

1- Work on a personal project all year. Where's Timmy!!!???
2- Be introduced to Infrared Photography
3- Learn something new about photography everyday